UV Reglettes can be used in many applications in our daily lives and in the industrial sector - In fact, UV technology can be very useful in different sectors, and is used differently depending on the intensity and wavelength (UV-A, UV-B, UV-C). In particular, it can be very effective in reducing the quantity of bacteria, the virulence of harmful organisms and the presence of pathogens, as well as for the breakdown of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), therefore for a reduction of bad odors. With our Reglettes you can sanitize environments, food and pharmaceutical industrial processes, and objects inside closed boxes. Examples of application areas: ENVIRONMENT: disinfestation and sterilization of surfaces, air and water. SORTING: fruit and seeds with strobed light. ELECTROMEDICAL: hardening of dental resins, biological analyses. BEAUTY: tanning beds, nail care etc. PESTCONTROL: insect catching lamps, etc. HORTICULTURE: growth and fight against plant pathogens. HOME: reduction of formaldehyde with photocatalysis.

DURATION Over 20,000 hours of life, therefore a longer life cycle than old UV lamps
EFFICIENCY Low energy consumption, almost insignificant heat generation
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY They do not contain mercury, which is why they are also safer
CONTROL Immediate start-up, solutions with strobed lights.
MODULARITY Compact lamps with different geometries
PRECISION Single customizable UV band.