LED for Painting, Digital Printing and Curing Resins

Optimise your painting, digital printing and curing processes with our precise and reliable LED technology.

Why are our LEDs essential for painting and digital printing?

Our LEDs for painting, digital printing and resin curing are designed to provide uniform, bright light, ensuring a clear and detailed view of materials and products being processed. Numerous brightness settings can be precisely controlled to suit each stage of your production process.
For the painting industry, our LEDs provide light that brings out the details and nuances of colours, allowing you to achieve flawless, uniform finishes on a wide range of surfaces and materials. High colour rendering and stability are some of the features of C-Led lamps that help ensure the quality and consistency of your final results.
For the digital printing industry, C-Led solutions provide uniform, flicker-free light, ideal for the accurate display of details and colours during the printing process. In addition, they enable high-quality prints with faithful colour rendition and sharp contour definition.
For the resin curing industry, our products offer intense, focused light, ideal for quickly and effectively activating the curing process. Their power and stability increase productivity and reduce cycle times, ensuring consistent and reliable results.


Precise care

UV LEDs that cure inks and resins quickly and efficiently.

Quality of the final product

Improving the quality and durability of the finished product.

Reducing processing times

Acceleration of drying and curing processes.